Sunday, September 26, 2010

beet latkes, kale chips

I usually don't know what to do with two CSA staples: kale and beets. Kale is like one of the most healthy foods ever, and I'd love to eat it more, but it's just … hard to swallow. And I'm simply not into the flavor of root vegetables.

For some reason, I decided to attack both of these things in one night.

I've been meaning to make kale chips for a couple of years; they are well regarded. While reading up on the how-to and what-not, I noticed people also make spinach chips. We had spinach, too, and no other plans to use it, so why not.

verdant lush kale

While the kale and spinach was in the oven, I started into the main course: beet latkes. I generally like potato pancakes, but I'm still not sure why I would like beets in the same preparation? I guess I thought the frying would ultimately help me consume them if the flavor wasn't good.

peeled roots

Even just after getting the veg basically prepped and shredded, the timer went off for the kale and spinach. The spinach, it did not survive:

desiccated spinach

Like shrinkydinks on the tray. Oh well. The kale chips were … okay. When they really were devoid of moisture, they were actually pretty good. Crisp and crunchy and salty and the roasting removes much of the bitterness that I dislike about kale. But – and perhaps because I overcrowded the trays – it was hard to get them evenly chip-y. And when under-crisped, even slightly, they are floppy and chewy and not very good. For kale chips, I'd recommend having a good amount of airflow, and test them out near the end of the cooking time.

And forgo the spinach.

Back to the latkes!

nearly ready

Upon introducing just some AP flour to help bind, the shredded beets + potatoes + carrots took on a fascinating color.

purple?  lilac?

But fried up into a quite nice deep brown and beet red:


I liked these quite a bit, actually. Aud' found them disgusting. So it goes. :)

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